Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 Personal Goals - Initial Post

As a recap of the previous years we have:

2010: 14% completed
2011: 30% completed
2012: 48% completed (counting partial completions)
2013: 28% completed (counting partial completions)
2014: 37% completed (counting partial completions)
2015: 29% completed (counting partial completions)
2016: 29% completed (counting partial completions)

Well I keep getting worse on my percentages. Time to focus. Let's make 2017 the year we top 50% done. I'm not shrinking the list down at all, which means I'm going to need to work harder at completing it.

1. Finish 1st Draft of my Novel 
Start - Again on the list.

2. Drop weight to 167 
Start - This has also been on the list since the beginning. Starting at 191.1

3. Read 1 of the Top Ten Books on Zane's List 
Start - In the middle of The Stories of Anton Chekhov.

4. Read last 5 books on the Sybervision Book List
Start - Current count is at 95.

5. Read a total of 12 books on my book list. (need to get to 200 books by my 40th birthday) 
Start - Currently my total count is at 142.

6. Finish 2 more Geological Movie Reviews 
Start - Earthquake still looks like the best bet.

7. Watch 10 of the 100 Greatest Movies of All Time 
Start - Current count is at 77.

8. Finish 50 things on the Blog/Website, with 30 specifically on my To Do list.
Start - My To Do list currently has ~160 things on it.

9. Finish 8 things on the House Things to do List 
Start - The list currently has 29 things on it.

10. Finish skinning the top of the hovercraft 
Start - Hopefully I can make some time to get to it this year.

11. Get my 5K time under 25 minutes 
Start - My current best is 28:32

12. Collect and photograph all of the Star Wars Comics 
Start - It is time to finish this up. A lot more work involved here than I anticipated.

13. Submit 2 papers for publication
Start - Time to focus on my publications this year.

14. Get caught up on my to read pile (which is mainly Star Wars but some other stuff as well)
Start -  I read many of the books I was behind on last year. Time to get fully caught up on my to read pile.

15. Watch and re-review Two entire lists of one of the 10 Top Ten Movies
Start - Working my way through the Top 10 Sci-Fi movies now.

16. Collect, photograph, and organize my Star Wars novel collection (0% done)
Start - I have it mostly set with paperbacks but I would like to get the collection organized and get the first release hardcovers.

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