Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 Personal Goals - Year end Wrap-up

Twelve months done. Let's see how I did.

1. Finish 1st Draft of my Novel (0% done)
Start - Again on the list.

2. Drop weight to 167 (We''ll count that as 0% done)
Start - This has also been on the list since the beginning. Starting at 179.7
Month 1 - 179.0
Month 8 - 189.6
Month 10 - 190.2
Month 12 - 191.1

3. Read 1 of the Top Ten Books on Zane's List (0% done)
Start - In the middle of The Stories of Anton Chekhov.

4. Read 6 books on the Sybervision Book List (including 2 in the Science or Philosophy sections) (92% done)
Start - Current count is at 89.
Month 1 - In the middle of The World as Will and Idea
Month 8 - Finished The World as Will and Idea and The Three Musketeers. 4 to go.
Month 10 - Finished Vanity Fair. 3 to go.
Month 11 - Finished Paradise Lost and in the middle of Babbitt. 2 to go.
Month 12 - Finished Babbitt and Pilgrim's Progress. I read all 6 books, but I only did one of the Science or Philosophy books. 

5. Read a total of 12 books on my book list. (need to get to 200 books by my 40th birthday) (83% done)
Start - Currently my total count is at 131.
Month 1 - Finished Artemis Fowl. 11 to go.
Month 2 - Finished Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 10 to go.
Month 3 - Finished Mort. 9 to go.
Month 8 - Finished Guards Guards!, The World as Will and Idea, and The Three Musketeers. 6 to go.
Month 10 - Finished Vanity Fair. 5 to go.
Month 11 - Finished Paradise Lost. 4 to go.
Month 12 - Finished Babbitt and Pilgrim's Progress. Total of 10 done.

6. Finish 1 more Geological Movie Review (0% done)
Start - Earthquake still looks like the best bet.

7. Watch 10 of the 100 Greatest Movies of All Time (20% done)
Start - Current count is at 75.
Month 8 - Watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. 9 to go.
Month 10 - Watched Bringing up Baby. 8 to go.

8. Finish 50 things on the Blog/Website, with 25 specifically on my To Do list. (86% done)
Start - My To Do list currently has ~150 things on it.
Month 1 - Finished 5. 45 to go.
Month 2 - Finished 6. 44 to go.
Month 3 - Finished 8. 42 to go.
Month 4 - Finished 10. 40 to go.
Month 10 - Finished 18. 32 to go.
Month 11 - Finished 38. 12 to go.
Month 12 - Finished 25 items on my To Do list and 18 other items. A total of 43.

9. Finish 8 things on the House Things to do List (63% done)
Start - The list currently has 27 things on it.
Month 1 - In the middle of the kitchen remodel still.
Month 2 - Finished 1 item, installing new furnace. 7 to go.
Month 11 - Finished 3 more items, finished the kitchen, dining room, and front entryway remodel. 4 to go.
Month 12 - Finished 1 more item. Gutter covers installed. 5 total done. 

10. Finish skinning the top of the hovercraft (0% done)
Start - Hopefully I can make some time to get to it this year.

11. Get my 5K time under 25 minutes (0% done)
Start - My current best is 28:32

12. Collect and photograph all of the Star Wars Comics (50% done)
Start - I got most of this done last year. It's time to finish this up and move on this year.
Month 1 - Only one comic left to go. Photographed box 5.
Month 8 - I have almost everything collected and photographed. I have 1 box left to go.
Month 10 - Everything in boxes has been collected and photographed. Just need to organize the photos and website them.
Month 12 - Slowly collecting the harder to find items like the comic packs.

13. Submit my Masters Thesis for Publication (0% done)
Start - Last year was actually spent getting a chapter of my dissertation published. Let's move on and get this done this year. This was the last big thing I had left to get published which I wrote before.

14. Get caught up on my Star Wars to read pile (50% done)
Start -  Right now I have more than a bookshelf full of books that I am behind on reading.
Month 1 - Slowly working through my pile of stuff to read when I get the chance.
Month 2 - Still reading through the pile.
Month 10 - I actually have my 3 big piles down by about a 1/3rd. Not too shabby.
Month 12 - Finished probably more than have on my to read pile.

15. Watch and re-review an entire list of one of the 10 Top Ten Movies (20% done)
Start - I finished one set of 10 last year. I plan on doing another set this year.
Month 8 - Watched/rewatched Back to the Future and 2001: A Space Odyssey on the Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies list. 8 to go.

16. Collect, photograph, and organize my Star Wars novel collection (0% done)
Start - I have it mostly set with paperbacks but I would like to get the collection organized and get the first release hardcovers.

-----------------------------------------------Other items of note-------------------------------------------------

Although I didn't get as much done on my list as I hoped, over the last few months I have gotten my "to do" pile down from about 9 boxes of stuff and paperwork to about 2 boxes of stuff and paperwork. Hopefully this year I should be able to get caught up on everything. That's the plan at least.

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