Sunday, June 4, 2006

Home Remodel - Our New Walkway

Note - This was originally published on my other site "The Geology P.A.G.E." but due to the content I have moved it here and backdated the post.

Our New Walkway

This is our backyard before we put the walkway in. The walkway's main purpose was to stop Twix from getting so muddy when she ran around, so it is going to be rather long to cut out all the mud. You can see our outline spray painted on the ground.

Working on the path. It takes three layers to make sure everything drains and stays properly. A kind of "dry cement" layer, a sand layer, and the rocks on top. We also kept the old pathway blocks I purchased last year and put them in the middle of the path.

Veronica surveying the work done so far. This is how far we got at the end of day 1. Not to bad. Unfortunately that was one of our only days to work consistently on it.

Halfway done. Most of the time took digging up the ground, which Veronica did and laying the edging, which I did. Then both of us put down the layers and stamped them down but that did not take much time at all.

While working on this I knew we were getting a real BBQ, so I started working on a little patio for it. Veronica actually started this but I felt it needed to be perfect so I laid some sand down under it to flatten it out.

And this is it all done. The garden between the walkway and the garage took almost a week to just break up all the clumps of sod that were non-transportable.

And another look at the finished work from the back showing our new cherry tree and you can see the BBQ in the background.

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