Thursday, January 1, 2004

The 306 Greatest Books #22 - The Taming of the Shrew

I am going back and posting all of my previous book reviews so that they are listed on my site in chronological order. The reviews are dated for the time when I read the book, hence the reason many of them will be listed for times before this website existed. 

The next up on my reading of the 306 greatest books is The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare. This book can be found on the Sybervision Book List. 

A new year meant that I was off to the races to try and get as many books read as I could. Often this means reading the most accessible (meaning books I already have) and shortest books I can find on the list. In this instance it meant catching up on the Shakespearean plays on the lists because there is a ton of them. Personally, I am not a particular fan of Shakespeare. Actually, I generally don't like books written in "old English" or anything just off modern English, including Shakespeare or something like Beowulf. So I knew was in for a personal chore, a short one at least, but a chore nonetheless, in getting these read. One of the first stories I tackled was The Taming of the Shrew. This story has been redone quite a few times in modern storytelling. The one that comes right up in my mind is 10 Things I Hate About You, which I actually really enjoyed. The play on the other hand is not one of my favorites. The point of the story is a guy teaches a girl how not to be a "shrew", in a rather humorous way. It is probably the best of the comedies, but no where close to the best of Shakespeare's plays.  

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